~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From:xxxxxxxx To:goldnugget Subject:Other: rjonst sent a message about Other Makes #200692392390 Sent Date:Dec-26-11 09:32:09 PST Dear goldnugget, Hello, How do you equate the number you specified (R1645) to the Vin of a 1971 Avanti II? Isn't there a plate on the door jamb that defines the number as RQB-nnnn? thanks -xxxxxxxxxx ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dear xxxxxxxx, I used the title for information, I didnt go outside and look in the door jam, if its important I can go look at it for you, will you sleep better tonight? -goldnugget ================================================================= Respond http://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/e11051.m44.l1159/7?euid=a7f98201bc394d608a28323e 71931f1f&loc=http%3A%2F%2Fcontact.ebay.com%2Fws%2FeBayISAPI.dll%3FM2MContact%2 6item%3D200692392390%26requested%3Dgoldnugget%26qid%3D282694905014%26redirect%3 D0%26ssPageName%3DADME%3AX%3ARTQ%3AUS%3A1159 ================================================================= ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From:xxxxxxxxxxx To:goldnugget The number you specified relates to an actual Studebaker Avanti around 1963. The 71 should be RQB-nnnn. Not that I would sleep better , but it would be prudent to correct it because you'll probably get repeated questions about it and that might cause you to lose some sleep... thanks