Latest Issue of JTN

Older Jet Thrust News Issues Below hosts this site but, as of Nov 2016, Content is the responsibility of ( studebaker8 at shaw dot ca ) Craig Parlsow

Jet Thrust Newsletters

Last update 06 Nov 2023

    Sum 2024 (#49)
Fal 2023 (#48)

    Fal 2022 (#47)
    Sum 2021 (#46)
    Spr 2021 (#45)
    Win 2020 (#44)
    Fal 2020 (#43)
    Sum 2020 (#42)
    Spr 2020 (#41)
    Win 2019 (#40)
    Aut 2019 (#39)
    Sum 2019 (#38)
    Spr 2019 (#37)
    Win 2018 (#36)


Fal 2018 (#35)
    Sum 2018 (#34)
    Spr 2018 (#33)
    Dec 2017 (#32)
    Oct 2017 (#31)
    Jul 2017 (#30)
    Apr 2017 (#29)
    Nov 2016 (#28)
    Jan 2009 (#27)
    Apr 2008 (#26)


Dec 2005 (#25)
    Dec 2005 (#24)
    May 2005 (#23)
    Oct 2004 (#22)
    Apr 2004 (Spec.) (#22.5)
Mar 2004 (#21)
    Apr 2004 (Spec.) (#21.5)
Sep 2003 (#20)
    Mar 2003 (#19)


Sep 2002(#18)
    Mar 2002(#17)
    Oct 2001(#16)
    Mar 2001(#15)
    Sep 2000(#14)
    Mar 2000(#13)
    Spr 1999(#11)
    Fal 1998(#10)


Spr 1998(#09)
    Fal 1997(#08)
    Spr 1997(#07)
    Fal 1996(#06)
    Sum 1996(#05)
    Spr 1996(#04)
    Win 1995(#03)
    Sum 1995(#02)
    Spr 1995(#01)

  • The Jet Thrust News (JTN) is intended to provide a link among owners and enthusiasts of the nearly 2000 high performance (Jet Thrust or JT) Larks & Hawks built by South Bend and Hamilton for 1963 and 1964. We seek not only information about surviving cars but also parts which exist from "parted" units. 
    • A permanent goal of the JTN remains the maintenance of owner rosters of 63 and 64 JT cars and loose engines. That includes changes of ownership, engine transplants, survivor discoveries and news of parted and crushed vehicles. With the aid of readers, we do our best to track down sightings and reports of JT cars. Discoveries of hidden or lost cars continue. The rosters are available to subscribers as are production summaries.
    Click here to

    The newsletter is available
    by subscription for $5 a year.
    JTN is published in March and September.

    Click here to REGISTER
    Your R-series Lark or Hawk


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    63 - 64 Factory Options


    Performance Studebakers
    .................. The 1935 Studebaker Straight 8 ................. ..................
    Some Studebaker Racing History
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